How a Home Security System Provides Convenience and Peace of Mind
Keep Your Home Safe with the Convenience of Smart Technology

Ever thought about bringing a home security system to your property, but didn’t want to deal with the frustration of figuring out complicated technology? Home Theater of Long Island offers Savant door stations that are user-friendly and hassle-free – everything you could want for your Roslyn, New York home. Everything you need to monitor your property is in one convenient app for your smartphone or tablet, and can be accessed any time, whether at home or while you’re away.
So, what can smart home security provide for you and your living space? Read on to learn more about the convenient ways our team can install a system that help protect your family and property.
SEE ALSO: How a Home Security System Protects You with Hands-Free Automation
Cameras That Never Sleep
With just a few simple taps on your phone or tablet, you can pull up live footage of any part of your property, indoors or out. These smart cameras don’t just remain static 24/7, staring at the same areas at the same angles. You can use the app to maneuver the cameras to see all nooks and crannies of your property at any time, and even program your smart technology to take specific actions in the event of an attempted burglary: turning on lights, blasting an alarm, or automatically locking doors. Protecting your home has never been easier or required as little effort.
Access Control That You Control
What’s more convenient than locking your doors without having to touch them? How is such a thing possible? With a smart home security system, you can do just that through an app. If you’re out running errands, sitting in a restaurant or movie theater, and worried you forgot to lock the door before you left, take care of that right where you are with just one button-press or voice command. Conversely, you can use the same app to unlock the doors if you need to let in a neighbor or relative when you’re not there. No more exchanging house keys that can be copied or lost!
Most convenient of all is choosing a nighttime or “Away” setting that goes through the process of not only locking doors, but also turning off lights, lowering window shades, and turning off other electronics that are no longer in use for the day. Keeping your home safe at night is one less thing to have on your mind as you start to prepare for sleep.
Add a Home Security System to Your Property Today
Give yourself the gift of convenience and peace of mind with a home security system. Contact Home Theater of Long Island to learn more about Savant door stations, and other smart automation features we offer. We can’t wait to work with you!